Monday, July 23, 2018

From the Edge of Darkness: 15 Totally Wasted

Totally Wasted
It’s almost amusing to listen to our here-to-fore Commie-hatin’, flag-wavin’, jump-down-your-throat at the slightest sign of possible democratic weakness red-necked Republicans tripping all over themselves as they get behind Trump-the-Chump as he cuddles up to Putin. It’s pretty clear by now that not a one of them has the balls or the political decency – not to mention the human decency – to do the right thing when it comes to our standing – and the things we used to stand for - as a nation vs. Trump’s and his clinger-on’s personal wealth and hidden agendas. 

Living in Backwards-World can be confusing. Whatever the Trump and his Trump-Ninnys label “fake” is actually factual; whatever His Gitness states is a thing “everyone says,” or “everyone knows” is opposite; and no matter what standard of good taste, common decency, political reason, or common cause Lord Tosser stumbles over and totally balls up each day, his toadies are sure to cry wise and welcome, and the rest of us – that includes those Americans who still have functioning brain cells, and most of the rest of the world – are left with our mouths hanging open in disbelief so utterly profound we don’t know what to say or what to do.

We need a new dictionary. Hell, we need a new encyclopedia, a new compass, a new map – something extreme, including an old guy with a lamp, searching for an honest man, to guide us through this seemingly endless dark tunnel of lunacy. 

“Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.” That’s Shakespeare.  “And now it is now, and the dark thing is here.” That’s TS Eliot, Margaret Atwood, or Louise Penny, depending on how you look it up. Doesn’t matter who said it first, they mean the same thing, and they pretty accurately describe our current world. We put babies in cages, we turn people who are being murdered by their own countries away without hesitation or a second thought about how much we ourselves might be responsible for their plight – or what we owe our fellow human beings in the way of succor, compassion, care – you know, all that wimpy liberal stuff; we’ve filled our world with gun-toting maggots who no one in power – another phrase we need to redefine – dares counter; we’ve put a total wanker in the president’s chair and allowed him to surroun himself with dodgy and barmy nutters who have no control over him, and the legislative houses which could, and should, be putting the leash and shackles on have proven themselves unwilling to do the task – which makes them as culpable as our Presidential Prat, and may they all rot in a hell of their own making. The few who are willing to stand up and speak do it, then quit, and we’re left with a government that’s as mad as a bag of ferrets and equally as out of control.

And a bunch of civilians who are loud, obnoxiously loud, and totally gormless, who egg Our Biggest Mistake Ever on, ever more enthusiastic the more mind-wrackingly terrible the latest thing the Orange One says or does. It’s hard to comprehend, especially since he and his rich, evil, shameless buddies are breaking the backs of the very people who support him most avidly. I just don’t get it; it’s truly like they’re drugged. I’ve seen them reject absolutely the thing that the Chump and his minions are causing to be done, and then turn on a pinhead and deny that that thing is happening. It’s weird, and it’s far, far beyond difference of opinion, it requires a feat of self-hypnosis or continual infusions of the Koolaid. These people really do inhabit Backwards-World, and those of us who don’t need be wary and watchful if we put our toes inside the gate trying to gain understanding or find common cause – the laws of gravity don’t really exist there.

It’s easy to say, “Oh, it’s not as bad as it seems. It’ll all come right in the end. The Fopdoodle won’t really be able to destroy our world as we know it – the sensible people, all around the world, will understand that he’s just a giant national fart that we have to hold our noses during and wait ‘til he’s expelled, then all will be sane and normal again.”  Yah. Right. It’s hard to see how very awful it is, standing inside it – we tend to be an optimistic people, after all – but think: how long – and through what kinds of dangerous nonsense – are our friends and neighbors and allies going to put up with this merde? How long would we, as a nation, were the situation reversed? We may be optimistic, but we’re also a tetchy people. You can bet that if this insanity was being displayed elsewhere in the world, we’d likely already have sent out secret missions to Bust His Ass. 

The Husband and I haven’t been to Canada since just before the 2016 election; it was embarrassing enough trying to explain what was happening before the unbelievable actually happened. I long to escape our national madness for a day or two, but dread having to look our sane neighbors in the eye. I’m embarrassed to be a US citizen. We’ve had times of looking foolish in the past, but now we look – insane, dangerous, unpredictable. Rabid, in fact.

How I wish I was the type of fighter who felt invigorated by a crisis that needs constant, unending, vigorous response. But I’m not – and mostly I feel scared, infuriated, and very, very tired. 

Could everyone in Washington just shut up and give us a Summer Break?

For the blog, 23 July 2018:

Photo: Charley Freiberg: Trashcan

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