Sunday, March 26, 2017

From the Edge of Darkness: 4

Photo: Charley Freiberg
 How Can We Talk About It?

One of the only things that keeps me from collapsing into a ball of tears and horror, nowadays, or flaming up into a screaming mimi, is writing – writing about what I’m hearing, writing nasty letters to President Terrible Mistake and to our despicable governor, and writing about the nice, normal, sometimes magical things about daily life that remind me that life is, still, worth walking through day by day. I also talk to people, but who I can talk to – and about what – has become strange and strangulated, first since the election, and now, only two months in, since the inauguration. 

I know who my close allies are, but I need to tread carefully around patients and students, whose political viewpoints I don’t know and who don’t need to have politics injected into their relationships with me; and there are friends, and acquaintances, and some people I love dearly with whom I can’t discuss the one thing that’s continually on my mind because it’s continually in our faces. And when I’m with those folks I feel an internal, uncomfortable tension while I hope, I hope, I hope, they won’t say even a syllable about our national catastrophe. I’ve wasted many too many hours trying to prepare a response in case they bring it up: what can I say without screeching that will make it clear I don’t support the Antichrist and all his evil works and minions, but not get so ugly we can no longer spend time together? How will we maintain a relationship if words are exchanged? Should I say my piece, or simply leave the building? At one point I even wrote out a declaration that I could hand to the offender, and I still carry it around with me, just in case.

With students I’m in charge, so I can cut off any hints of political discussion summarily. With patients, I’m also in charge, and I can say, pretty literally, it sounds like we shouldn’t have that discussion, and you need to remember who’s in charge of the sharp needles here – that usually ends the discussion promptly. But what do I say to friends who have fallen into the tar pit, to friendly neighbors, to relatives? It’s to these people I believe we have a duty to point out the evil taking place around us; it’s to these people we have a moral obligation, in these abnormal times, to counter their acceptance or support of what’s happening and not allow a hint of agreement to pass between us; it’s to these people, especially, that we need to be witnesses to the truth. But it’s also these people who we need to stay in relationship with, and at whom we don’t want to shout for the next four (pray god it turns out to be less than that, please, please impeach him soon!) years. It’s to these people we have a stake and even a moral, ethical, and civic obligation to try to persuade that they’ve chosen wrongly, and that our reactions are not over-reactions, but reasonable reactions to the reality of what’s happening to our nation, our neighbors, our fellow human beings.

And therein lies the tragedy and the personal pain. How - how – how – can one have an actual discussion with people who don’t see the darkness that has descended on us, who don’t think that what is happening is different from any other political cycle?  What does one say to someone who, when presented with a fact, says, “But that didn’t happen!” or, “But that’s no worse than the last Administration did,” or, “But that’s only one fact, how about the alt fact?”?

There seem to be five distinct types of people sharing the part of the continent we call the US right now. One part is the part that just doesn’t care about what’s going on politically, and never have; they don’t regularly follow the news, they don’t vote, they figure that what happens is gonna happen no matter whether they pay attention or not, and they don’t worry about such things except generally and rarely – their lives, what happens day to day, is what interests them. Only slowly, and under extreme circumstances or circumstances during which they or their loved ones are negatively affected, might they be moved out of their apathy and into action. Is it worth talking about what’s going on to these people? It’s probably worth it, from an ethical point of view, but they’re probably not listening, and they’re likely not to have a clear idea of what you’re talking about, because they haven’t been following the news, unless it’s local, and even then - whatever.

A second batch are the truly evil people who are absolutely enthralled with what’s going on now, hopeful, eager, feeling powerful and justified: the internet trolls, the white supremacists, the xenophobes, the racists, people longing for and encouraging anything that speeds the arrival of the End of Days, fascists, neo-Nazis, and people who purposefully and consciously do evil whenever there is chaos, as well as some people I think we can reasonably call psychologically warped – sociopaths of many sorts, and some who are quite insane. There isn’t much point in even trying to have a discussion with these folks – they don’t care what you think, they aren’t going to be persuaded, and they aren’t going to change their minds unless something startling happens to them, personally, that makes them see the light - maybe if some god zaps them on their way to Damascus, for example.

They like what’s happening, they helped make it happen, and they’re currently the people in power in Washington as well as fringe loonies who are made hopeful by the nasty direction our leaders are headed. I consider it fair to shout vile things at them – they don’t listen, it won’t change anything, but it makes me feel better to express myself fully and freely about what they’re doing.

A third group has shaky ethical standards, and is very happy to use the confusion our current state of chaos has created to benefit personally while they can. We are so distracted by other stuff, we aren’t noticing what injustices and thievery they’re accomplishing under cloak of darkness. These people are well-informed, skilled at using the system, and interested only in promoting their own wealth and interests, and a lot of them – a lot of them - are our elected representatives, and lobbyists. They’ll lie, switch sides, hide activity, vote in their own best interests, and make the most of the evil surrounding us until it negatively affects them personally. Some of them have a low bar below which they won’t go, but their bar is generally very, very low. They’ll occasionally do something to promote the actual good of the nation. Are they persuadable? Eh – depends on how much they or their cronies might personally lose. Amongst these people I include politicians and citizens whose beliefs about politics and religion balance on the knife edge of kinda very nutty – but not on every topic, and not all the time, and they aren’t as purely evil or actually insane as the ghouls in group two – just sometimes.

The fourth is the group that totally gob-smacks me. These are the people who somehow bought into the fantasy world that Donald Trump and his gang of ghouls invents. If they’re in the subset that enthusiastically voted for him, they’re people who lost their shame about the small prejudices they harbor, their unhappiness about their financial situation, their dismay at some cultural changes they don’t fully understand or are uncomfortable with, and allowed the energy and the excessive anger of Trump’s presentation convince them that what they feel is right, just, reasonable, and morally appropriate. They bought the lie and let themselves be swept into the maelstrom – they’re cult followers, and don’t question anything he says or does, no matter what, no matter what actually happens. If they weren’t ghouls before the primary season, they became baby ghouls during and remain so after. Another subset may not have voted for Trump – they didn’t drink the whole glass of drug-infused happy juice, but many of them somehow couldn’t see that the comparison of faults between Trump and Hillary wasn’t even a contest: they equated awkward, foolish and self-serving as being equivalent to or worse than corrupt, vicious and self-serving. They felt rather than reasoned their way through the election.

I don’t really understand this category – they didn’t wholly buy into the cult following, but they embraced parts of it, in spite of history and facts and common sense; and now they’re the ones who say, oh, we need to give him a chance, or, oh, he’s not doing a bad job, let’s just wait and see. If you point out to them the horrible things that Trump and his ghouls have done, said, or plan to do, they look at you like you’re insane, and respond, well, that only happened once; or, he must have a good reason for it; or even, but that never happened. These people are scary because they’ve lost their moral compass, or their ability to reason; they don’t hear, or remember, the things that should make them uncomfortable, or they choose not to give them much weight. These people are like lost souls wandering aimlessly through Limbo, people who aren’t inherently bad people, and who might otherwise be very good and kind people, but who have lost the discrimination to recognize evil when they see it.

Another subset of this group are people who have become inflamed by the energy of the evil beings among us, and who have become vocal and psychically wrought-up in their enthusiastic acceptance of what appears to me to be a sudden realization they think they’ve had about Important Stuff. They think they’ve had an Insight: of course there are alternative facts, of course the media of record is illegitimate and lies to us, of course Obama was a disaster of a president and did sneaky things trying to destroy Trump, of course there are hoards of terrorists trying to enter the country and more hoards of dangerous illegal immigrants already here, of course the whole Russian connection is a lie. This sub-group seems to latch onto whatever meme the ghouls are throwing out at us and it seems to me that at least part of what fuels them is that they’re determined not to be too old-fashioned or ignorant to be left behind. Thought and discrimination seem to have deserted this group, and it’s this group, in particular, that enabled the Antichrist to rise and flourish.

There are characteristics shared by folks in group four, all through the sub-groups. They aren’t people who are necessarily uneducated - some are very well-educated; but they all seem to get their information from non-traditional “media,” Fox News being the least bizarre source. They also – or maybe consequently – don’t think things through, instead accepting whatever’s presented by these not-really-journalists as fact, even when just a little examination would prove the fallacy. As a consequence, these folks have become enthusiastic about embracing political attitudes or actions that will work against their best interests – and they seem to have not a clue that this is so. They also have an insane, and enduring, confidence that the people currently in charge won’t do anything that’s bad for us – the common people – or the nation. And, finally, they believe that we, who are in the fifth group, are being ridiculously alarmist – they don’t see any danger in the current state of the national State.

This group is the group we should be able to have a discussion with, with whom we should be able to find at least a partial meeting of the minds, who we should be able to persuade or inform back to reason and cooperation. But how do we do it? How do we have a discussion with people who appear to have lost their minds, and who are just as certain that we have lost ours? Where does one begin a discussion when my facts aren’t the same facts that the person I’m trying to have a discussion with knows? How do you talk to someone who seems to be living in an alternative universe, so our definitions of reality and evil and ethics are totally at odds?

The fifth group is the group I inhabit. This group, too, has subsets – there are the folks who are so devastated by the current state of affairs that they can’t bring themselves to think about it or talk about it and are pretty much living with their blankets pulled up over their heads and hoping that day will dawn and the monsters will magically have disappeared. 

Another subset fears for their lives and well-being now the ghouls have achieved ascendancy – and these people are actually, in real-time, day to day, experiencing threats and sometimes violence, and have become afraid for their well-being with good reason. People experiencing actualized violence or who are living in continual fear that they will, or could, become a victim momentarily, don’t always act in reasoned and deliberate ways. We’ve heard about some of these folks, who are escaping on foot to Canada and winding up frost-bitten, ill, or dead.  

Another subset is horrified by what has happened and is happening but has decided that talking about it is useless and acting on it is a waste of time, or if not a complete waste of time, feel that giving voice to their reaction will burn them too badly to recover; another subset can only speak angrily and endlessly about it and have lost their joy in life. Yet another subset feels they have to bear witness in some fairly continuous public way: protesters, writers, journalists, actors, politicians, every day folk, famous folk - lest we inadvertently become enablers of evil. 

A thing I find interesting is that the ascendancy of the Antichrist and his legion of ghouls has thrown  together many of us who might have been political enemies, in prior political Administrations. Good people, Conservatives and Libertarians and Liberals and Socialists and others, are united in their horror. We, at least, are talking to each other, maybe more than we have in many years. If we manage to pull out of this, it may be what saves us as a nation. 

One of the things we’re talking to each other about, in hushed voices, and reluctantly, for fear that voicing it might make it true, is our observation that what’s happening – what the Administration is doing and saying, and not doing and saying; and what the Legislature is ignoring or supporting or stalling or not doing – looks an awful lot like what happens, what has happened, in countries in which a deteriorating system has led to a coup. We worry about what might cause the military and other national services – ignored, insulted, and reviled by Trump – to decide he’s too dangerous to be left in place, and that the Legislature is too timid or corrupt to deal with him, so they take it into their own hands before worse damage is done. And we worry about what might happen afterwards. A coup that restores what was once normal in this country might not be a terrible thing in practical terms though ever a terrible thing in circumstance; a coup that leads to a forced restructuring could be the end of life as we know it. And so we pray: impeach him; impeach him quickly; impeach him before he does something that causes someone else to stop him. Please.

Another thing we talk about, also in hushed voices, and which we fear could lead to a coup, is whether this government, this out-of-control President or one of his minions acting in his name, will do or say something that will start World War III. How many of our allies can he insult or piss off, and how many times can he get away with it, before we’ve lost all our friends? How close to causing irreparable damage is too close? How about threatening the madman who rules North Korea? Is that too close? Our own madman holds the keys to our nuclear warheads, and doesn’t take advice or ask advice from anyone with a calm and collected and historical view of world relations. He’s surrounded himself with people who have said, aloud, that this Administration is their opportunity to change the world order. How much closer can he get and we can still feel reasonably safe? 

I no longer feel safe. I haven’t, for two months now. I look back at all the past Presidents I didn’t like, and I think – I’d take any of them over this one. Any of them.
I’d feel safer if more of my fellow citizens were feeling as horrified as I am. I’d feel safer if I knew more of us were regularly contacting our legislators. I’d feel safer if the people in that fourth group I described above would suddenly have the glamour drop from their eyes, and they woke up and said, Wait a minute. This isn’t normal. This isn’t right. This isn’t what we really want.

I’d feel better if I could have a discussion, and not a shouting match, with those people. But as much as I’d like to start a discussion with some of them, I have no idea how to do it. I think we need to keep vigil, be witnesses, speak up when evil acts are being done and when evil words are being spoken, and hope that our loved ones and neighbors come to their senses sooner than later. But if they don’t – and if we’re present when they talk about it – I think we must gird our loins and speak the truth. To do any less is to enable evil. 

We’ve been there too many times in our nation’s history, and we must strive to keep it from happening again, because this time it could be the literal end.

  •   Here’s a new Story from the Heart of Darkness: someone who read Gun Gal told me a scary story her cousin told her.  This being the era of scary stories, stories we don’t want to hear but need to hear, I’m sharing:

Cousin lives down south somewhere, maybe North or South Carolina, I don’t remember the state and it doesn’t really matter – it could have happened here just as easily. One day she was walking her (very well-behaved) dog near her house, and a jogger came up behind them. As all dogs will do, hers began barking as the jogger came from behind them, but not lunging or trying to chase the jogger. The jogger stopped, pulled a gun out of her concealed holster, aimed it at the dog, and said, “Shut your dog up or I’ll blow it away.”

As you can imagine, all joy in dog-walking has gone out of Cousin’s life. She’s scared to death to walk her dog locally. I don’t know whether she called the police, but I’m guessing not, because how do you identify an unknown jogger? “Sweaty female person in jogging clothes coming from I don’t know where and headed to I don’t know where threatened me with a gun.” The cops wouldn’t have been able to do anything.
Probably a nice neighborhood before the gun trolls moved in.

I am one Witness.     Written for the blog. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Letters From the Edge of Darkness: 2

Letters From the
photo: Charley Freiberg
Edge of Darkness: 2

Cabin fever and the flu slowed down my missives to our national and state Errors, and it seems that every time I write, I’m just repeating myself, so it’s not calming my angst as well as it was; but it’s gotta be done. We can’t stop speaking truth.
The only person I’ve heard back from so far is Senator Shaheen, and it was just a form letter, as expected. Interesting that no one else has managed to get their shit together yet!

Letter 1

5 February 2017

Dear so-called President Trump,

You’ve got a real problem with the rule of law, don’cha, Bubba? Got a real problem keeping your mouth shut, too, we see. Don’t know when to keep your ignorant opinions to yourself, and haven’t learned to carry yourself with presidential dignity yet, either, have you? Those were rhetorical questions – that means, I don’t expect an answer, I was just stating the obvious – you’ve demonstrated over and over that they’re true.

We applaud Judge Robart, and we applaud the folks who brought the request to halt your dangerous and illegal order, and once again, we say to you: Boo! Hiss! Boo! Stop endangering our nation, and stop doing stupid things out of ignorance and hubris.  Why do you want to destroy us? Every day you put us in grave peril. Bad, bad, bad boy! Dangerous boy! 

Speaking of which: Don’t worry about you insulting and hanging up on our good ally, Australia? Don’t worry? How can we not worry!? Are you totally stoned all the time? Only an idiot or a total stoner or someone determined to self-destruct or destroy our country would do the things you’ve done in the past 16 days.  What is wrong with you? Please look up the words “compromise” and “co-operate” and try to play nice with others, before you piss everyone off so badly no one will even speak to you. No one takes you seriously already, except that we all think you’re seriously dangerous and playing way out of your league with absolutely no idea what you’re doing and incompetent advisors.

And re: your Supreme Court nominee: piss off. You could have done something good, here. You could have actually made an attempt to do the truly ethical thing, the thing that should have been done by a president actually interested in uniting the country, the thing that should have been done by a president wishing to put an end to the traitorous acts and obstructionism that the Republicans in Congress have been committing for the past 8 years. 

You could have, and should have, put forth Judge Garland for consideration and refused to offer another candidate until he’d received fair and full consideration. This Court opening is not yours to fill – it was Obama’s, who had a mandate and who made a real attempt to put forward a compromise candidate that no one could be seriously unhappy with. Instead, you, with NO MANDATE, stand on the unethical and treasonous acts of the Republicans and put forth a candidate whose ultra-conservative stands  piss off and seriously alarm more than half the country.  I hope this turns around to bite you in the ass: I hope the Republicans screw you.

Someone needs to muzzle you. For god’s sake, shut up and put away the twitter account before you do something irreparable.

We are two Witnesses

Letters 2

12 February 2017

Trump the Lumpy Chump, our so-called President,

Don’t rewrite your anti-immigrant order, you prat; it was a bad idea the first time, and there’s no way you can improve on it. We, the majority of US citizens, who didn’t vote for you – let’s just note once again that all told, you not only lost to Hilary by 3 million (perfectly legal) votes, but 9 million more people voted for anyone else but you – we don’t want anything to do with your xenophobic fantasies. 

You also owe a profound and immediate apology to the citizens of New Hampshire, who stand up now and call you a lying git and spit upon you. There are no illegal voters in NH, and there has never been any proof of illegal voting, except for one sad lunatic who purposely committed voter fraud to try to prove a non-point several election cycles ago, and our excellent State folks have carefully and fully looked into it. It’s a non-issue. Get your lies and your lumpy nose out of our state. If you’re relying on what the lying, cheating twit Chris Sununu said about voter fraud, give it up now. He was lying – seems to be a congenital ailment in his family - and if he has any balls at all, he’ll stand up now and admit it. 

Ethics issues still got you down? Has it occurred to you that you should keep your trap shut and your nose out of your family’s business when you’re supposedly trying to be presidential? No President of the US with any sense of ethics and propriety would be commenting on his daughter’s business failures, and certainly not saying disparaging things about the company she’s just lost business with. Dignity; unimpeachable ethics; common sense – those are a few of the things we want in our President, not a loud-mouthed narcissistic yammering. If you’d shut up for a few minutes and ask people who actually know something, and toss those racist untutored trolls you’ve surrounded yourself with out on their ears, you might manage to actually do something presidential. Stop embarrassing yourself – and us.

We aren’t holding our breaths. So far all you’ve done is embarrass us, nationally and internationally, and cause lots and lots of trouble. We are not happy with you. You are damaging families and individuals, disrupting and destroying lives, separating parents from their children, and encouraging acts of evil and destruction.  The US doesn’t do that – only xenophobic cowards do. Oh – that’s you! And those wankers you’ve surrounded yourself with. Trolls. Demons. Dangerously irresponsible.

You’ve heard that people are fleeing the States on foot to get to Canada, where the politicians and laws are humane and reasonable, right? How do you like being the man in the US who makes our country look that evil? How do you like being the author of racist violence? How do you like scaring little children and destroying their lives?

And speaking of lying, narcissism, xenophobia, racism, bigotry, egotism, sexual predation, sociopathology, and all your other personal challenges – you know there are people called “psychiatrists” who would be happy to give you meds for those issues, so you can manage your illness, and maybe then actually perform your responsibilities as President in a reasonable way, right? 

Yeah, and nice job losing battles, Bubba. You’re fooling no one but yourself.

Finally, just a note that you’re looking exceptionally lumpy lately. Must be that all hot air and self-aggrandizement you’ve been swallowing. You’re looking pretty used. Diet time! No time to lose, best go on a starvation diet. We’ll let you know when it’s been long enough.

Or – you could do the right thing and resign. Now.

We are two Witnesses.

12 February 2017

Dear Gov. Sununu,

Donald Trump is a total prat, and so are you if you don’t stand up and admit that you made up that stuff about the Democratic Party sending busloads of illegal voters over the border from Massachusetts, when things are slow down there, to vote in NH. We all know you said it because you thought it would gain you some votes from people who are too ignorant to check, or too angry to care, what the truth is.

It worked, you won, you’re the governor. Time to mitigate the sins you committed during the election cycle and start to take your responsibilities seriously. A big part of that is extricating yourself from the rottenness that infused the past elections and become an active force to return decency and reason to politics. So pull up your big-boy pants and announce that you are no longer the lying, cheating git we have seen you are. Admit you lied, denounce Trump’s lies about illegal voters, and don’t do it again. If the only way you can win is by lying and cheating and screwing the people who didn’t vote for you, you don’t deserve the office, and you didn’t really win it, did you?

Prove us wrong. Surprise us. Show some balls. Distance yourself from the madman who stumbled into the presidency and play fairly, and honestly, and bipartisanly with New Hampshire residents - or expect to be tossed out with the garbage first chance we get.

We don’t need liars and cheaters in government, national or state. We’re watching, and so far we’re not impressed.

We are Witnesses.

Letters 3

27 February 2017

Dear not very presidential Trump the Lump,

For about 3 hours today, we were without power; the wind blew some wires down, and, voila! – you disappeared. For 3 blissful hours, not a word to be heard about naft you.

Then the electricity came on again. Immediate nausea, and it wasn’t a recurrence of the flu I had all last week, unfortunately.

So – what do we do with this? We hate you – we, the majority of people in the country, hate you. You’re the most hated President in history, and you’ve only been in office for barely over a month. You’re hated more every time you open your mouth, every time you say or do or sign something that’s against the best interests of the entire country, not including your greedy, rich, racist cronies. 

What do we do next time we go to Canada? We couldn’t explain you last fall, before you stole the election with the help of your nasty Russian promoters. People would come up and say, hey there neighbor, what’s going on down there? It doesn’t make any sense! Is it about money? It must be about money!

And we’d look embarrassed, but then we’d say, oh, it’s crazy, but he surely won’t win.

Of course, back then we didn’t know you had outside help.  How do you say, “Let me fix things for you, Trumpy-boo” in Russian? Da, komrade, please.

Now what do we say to confused Canadians, besides that you aren’t our president?  That we, and everyone else in the country with uncorrupted souls repudiate you and are just waiting until we can find enough evidence to impeach you?  That the whole of the States were stolen by a bunch of lying, cheating, trolls hell-bent on destroying our country and too many of us were too stupid to notice – and some still are?

It’s going to make for very awkward conversations.

Get rid of Bannon, immediately. He’s pure evil and it’s hard to believe that even you are too stupid to notice. He wants to destroy the country and is working hard at doing so. How do you like being a pawn?

Dump him, then resign, now. It’s the only hope we have that the country might survive.

Still waiting to see those tax returns of yours! Still haven’t lost interest!

We are two Witnesses.

Letters 4

16 March 2017

Donald Trump, you maggot,

Don’t imagine for a second that our not having written our protestations about your dodgy administration for the last several weeks means anything except that depression and cabin fever has struck. 

So here we go:

                Stop, for God’s sake, wasting our time and money persecuting Muslims. Your ban on Muslim states is wrong, illegal, evil, and vile. You’ve been slapped upside the head twice now by the courts – give it up! The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting to get a different result. The definition of evil is what you’re doing.

                Obama wire-tapped you?? Are you totally barmy? Do you really think we’re going to believe that? Go ahead, repeat it – we’ll just add it to the list of things you’ve done and said that will make you impeachable.  You nutter.

                Let’s see…how many of your appointees have so far been good choices….ummmm…..Oh! None! A nice round number, 0. Let’s say it again: 0. Which is more than the score we’ve been giving you for your insight and leadership and intelligence. You’re in over your head, Bubba, resign now and save the country the expense of impeaching you.

                That racist idiot who’s your chief strategist: there’s a reason Saturday Night Live depicts him as Death. There’s not a chance in Hell that you’ll do anything praiseworthy until you see him in his true form and boot him out. Do it now.

                The attempt to dump the ACA – which we like, in spite of what you say – is evil. The proposed plan will leave millions without insurance who have it now. The proposed plan will dump the country back in the health-care dark ages, where we were before the ACA. The proposed plan will make some of your rich buddies richer, and the rest of us poorer and sicker, and don’t imagine we don’t understand that. May you rot in one of the lower circles of Hell for supporting this assault on the common citizen.

                Your Russian buddies – oh, we can’t wait until that whole story is told. You really sunk into that swamp, and don’t expect we’re going to help you out.

                Where are those tax returns of yours, by the way? You lying, cheating tosser.

                You know what? Just stop doing everything. Nothing you’ve done or said is worthy of the office of the President. Nothing you’ve done or said is honorable. Nothing you’ve done or said is good for the common citizen. Nothing. So just stop. You can’t redeem yourself at this point.

                We’re sick of you. You make us nauseous, every time we hear something you’ve  blathered on about. Every time we hear one of your not-very-clever lies. You’re an international embarrassment. You’re dangerous to the democracy. You’re stupid enough to be an abydocomist. You suck. Resign now, so someone can try to fix the horrible messes you’ve made so far. Sickening, sad man. Go back to diddling yourself in your tacky real estate horrors.

                “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.”

                “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.”

                “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.”

                “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.”

                “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.”

                “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.”

                “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.”

                “Hell is empty, And all the devils are here.”

Shakespeare predicted you and your ghastly administration. (The Tempest, 1:2)

Resign now. Please. We’ll applaud.

We are Witnesses.

16 March 2017

Gov. Sununu –

So entertained to hear you say you don’t support the Republican attempt to destroy the ACA and with it, the ability of millions of Americans – including ourselves – to have health insurance for nearly the first time in our adult lives. Not sure you actually get how destructive their plan would be, except to Medicaid, but at least you got there – hold onto that thought. I enclose an article from my blog to help you get a deeper understanding. Why don’t you read it and see what you learn?

So, that’s a semi-plus for you. Now let’s look at where you screwed up recently:

1.       What in hell were you thinking not being loudly and actively involved in trashing that stupid law that allows 13-year-olds to get married? Do you really think marrying off a 13-year-old is a good idea? Or even a 17-year-old? You wanker – this should have had your vigorous support. Bad, bad governor.

2.       What in hell were you thinking not being loudly and actively involved in getting legislation protecting transgender rights passed? What dark corner of the dark ages did you come from? Just what we need – NH known to be non-supporters of transgender rights, which you should know need to be especially supported because there are so many violent, benighted people out there just looking for a reason to be evil. Bad, bad governor.

3.       What in hell were you thinking not pressing acceptance of a law to bring NH’s minimum wage law into the modern age? Doesn’t matter the federal minimum wage law is evilly low – now NH has the reputation of having the lowest minimum wage in New England, and proving again (see #1 and #2 above) that we’re parsimonious and benighted.  Way to attract young folks to the state, you plonker.  Bad, bad governor.

4.       Your Education Dept head – oh, jeez. What in hell were you thinking? Bad, bad governor.

5.       Trying to get a pass on regulations to protect water in NH because they’d be expensive? How expensive do you think polluted water and the horrors it can cause will be? Way to make NH attractive to modern people, who actually want to protect the environment and live in clean, toxin-free places. Nutter. Bad, bad governor.

OK Buddy, that’s 5 against and a partial 1 for – not a good score so far. Step out of your daddy’s evil shoes and try standing up straight and standing for something that’s productive, good for the state, good for the people in the state. I can remember listening to your daddy lying about sources of pollution on the radio, years ago, then shaming a caller who called him on it. That was a bad day for NH, and made me ashamed to be from here. 

Prove us wrong. So far – not doing it. So far – really unimpressed.

We are Witnesses.

16 March 2017

Dear Senators Shaheen and Hassan, Representatives Shea-Porter and Kuster,

Enclosed are copies of our latest vile missives to our even viler barely-elected error in national judgement, and the blog post I sent him about the ACA.

Ladies – our national situation is very, very scary. The majority of Republicans in Congress are using the chaos Trump causes and stupidity around what’s being done and said to sneakily do things that will harm us indefinitely. Trump and his Russian buddies are beyond the pale. The ghoul who advises and strategizes for Trump sends chills of horror up our spines. Our brains, listening to the news, feel like they’re going to explode.

Ladies – you’re on the front line. Please be strong, please be vigorous, please counter this Error of a President on all counts. We haven’t heard a single thing he’s proposed or done that hasn’t horrified us. Please don’t bend your principles in order to “work with him when you can,” because it doesn’t look like there’s anyplace you should be working with him or the evil Republicans. Remember that this – this situation we’re currently in as a nation – isn’t normal. Don’t co-operate with the abnormal. Everything is so abnormal it may get harder to distinguish and remember that as time goes on. (And what’s going on in our state is also pretty mind-boggling.)

You’re doing a good job, please keep it up. Don’t get discouraged, we depend on you for, in a real way, our life, liberty and well-being. Every time we listen to the news, this impresses us anew. 

And speaking of the news, could one of you manage to smack Paul Ryan upside the head someday soon? He is such a wanker. And so very annoying! Tell him it’s a St. Paddie’s Day love tap. Use a shillelagh. 

Jeanne – Charley asked me to mention, the next time I wrote, to remind you that you and he have met several times. He’s the long-haired photographer who used to take promo photos of you when you were Governor. And he’d like me to say, also, that he wishes you’d run for President. I agree.

Our best hopes and support to you all. Impeach the bastard.

We are Witnesses.

On the blog and in the mail.