Thursday, February 2, 2017

Letters from the Edge of Darkness:1

Letters from
Photo c Charley Freiberg

the Edge of Darkness: 1

 Since that malevolent entity we’re stuck with was inaugurated, and his gremlin henchmen put in places of power, I’ve found that on the days I foolishly turn on the news or read the paper I end up with what, in Chinese Medicine, we call “plum-pit Qi” – the sensation that something about the size of a plum pit is stuck in your throat. It’s caused by stagnant Liver Qi, and that is caused by anger, frustration, irritation, and so on, from circumstances or events you can’t control.

So I started writing letters to our Nincompoop-in-Chief, and found I felt much better. Then I decided to send copies to our excellent NH ladies in DC, and that made me feel even better. 

As of January 31 – 11 days into the reign of terror – I’ve written six letters. I doubt the subject of the letters will ever see them, but I have great hopes that our Congresswomen will, and that they serve to give them a laugh, but also urge them on to do battle, constantly, on all fronts, and with vigor.

In these past 11 days, I’ve heard from numerous people who have had to either cut off all contact with old friends and with relatives, or who have to rigidly avoid the topic and even the N-i-C’s name. Sometimes it’s because we know for certain that it would start a fight that will end with wounds that might never heal; sometimes it’s because we aren’t certain on what side our friends/relatives stand, but we have a gut feeling we’re better off not knowing.  

There seems to be no meeting place with people who say either, “I like what he’s doing,” or “We need to give him a chance.” There isn’t a middle ground between folks who see the rise and spread of true evil taking place, and folks who don’t see anything to not like about what’s happening. Where, I wonder, is there a bridge that can hold all of us? I personally know of none. I personally find myself shouting.

These letters are my shouts.  So be warned – these are very much “tell us how you really feel, Deb” letters, not sober letters written to a worthy opponent. Not attempts to persuade (how does one persuade a madman?), just statements of the obvious garnished with mean and nasty attempts to push all his touchy buttons and express how I feel when I’m confronted with his latest spewings. If you could see my face while I’m typing them, you would see a rictus of horror. 

The Husband has joined me in the letters, so when they come take us away to some black-box cell of doom, someone please come feed the critters. And remember – we are all Witnesses. We all need to find a way to manifest our watchfulness and rejection of political evil in acts or attitudes.
If you stand on the “I think he’s great!” side, stop reading now, or we may never speak nicely to each other again.

Letter 1

23 January, 2017
Dear President Trump,

Your beglamoured followers may not care whether you release your tax returns, but the rest of us – and there are a whole lot more of us than of them – want to see them. We want to know exactly how much of a cheating, lying blackguard you actually are.

Yes, there are more of us than of yours. You didn’t win the popular vote, remember? Nearly 3 million there. You didn’t have nearly as many followers attending your inauguration as there were next day of women and good men protesting; and even more, in cities around the country and in other lands. 

You didn’t have nearly  as many attending your inauguration as Obama had, either. 

We are two Witnesses.

Letters 2

24 January 2017
Dear President Trump,

You didn’t win the popular election. You don’t have a mandate. You have a much lower popularity rating than our President of the last two terms. You need to suck it up, and be humble.

A wise person, finding themselves in that situation, would be circumspect about what they changed that the last, truly popular, President had accomplished.  A wise person might send a clear message to the obstructionist Congress, by nominating for Supreme Court the eminently qualified and non-controversial judge Obama had nominated, whom  the traitorous Republicans in Congress and Senate refused to even consider. That would be a gesture that would show the majority of us – that is, the majority of citizens in our great nation, who haven’t drunk your poisonous Kool-Aid – that maybe, deep in the depths of your black heart, you actually do want to unite the country.

A wise person, finding themselves in that situation, would also keep their nasty paws off Planned Parenthood, gay and trans-gender rights, and a passel of other laws and orders and organizations designed to actually help we, the common – and more numerous than yours – citizens.

A wise person would also tread lightly when messing with the ACA. The only acceptable change to the ACA – one that would help we, the common citizens – is to establish Medicare for all – which is how it should have been done originally, had the blackguard Republicans not stood in the way.

Anything else will be a travesty, and for most of us, a tragedy.

We are two Witnesses.

24 January 2017
Dear Senators Shaheen and Hassan, Congresswomen Shea-Porter and Kuster,

Enclosed are copies of letters in the mail to President Chump – that is, Trump (bet you see a lot of that particular joke!).  We want you all to know how we feel and what we’re thinking about, hence the copies.

There will probably be a lot of these in the next few years. Please keep eyes and ears honed for reasons to impeach and dump him. I’m not sure Pence would be much of an improvement, but with him at least we won’t wake up some morning being bombed by some hyper-irritable country Trump managed to annoy at 3 am.

Also included is a card with my blog address. Most of the posts aren’t political – but, fair warning, there are a few besides the one enclosed here. Of the majority otherwise, most have been printed in the Concord Monitor since June 2016 – stories from life; even the political ones are. They may give your brains a welcome break and waft of home when life in the trenches is too much. I post them as soon as they’ve been published, and the odd one not in the paper as time and inspiration arrive.

 Good luck to all of you – and to all of us. We’re counting on you.

Letter 3

25 January 2017
Dear President Trump

Stop wasting our time, resources and money trying to prove you won the popular vote. You didn’t – you don’t have a mandate – suck it up and try to become worthy of the office you inhabit. To pretend, and try to prove, that you lost the mandate because millions of non-citizens illegally voted – when we know that’s not true, it’s been definitively proven many times that there is effectively NO voting fraud anywhere in the country  (unless you count people who stopped perfectly legal voters from voting by one evil trick or another) – is vulgar, petty, and whiney. 

We know you’ll trump up some false “evidence” to try to prove your point when you can’t misprove reality, because you disrespect us regularly by loudly and insistently repeating lies thinking that will lead us to believe them; but no one except your Kool-aid drinking, misinformed followers do. No one else – no one in the rest of the country, no one in the rest of the world, believes any of it. Most of us (the majority – the ones who didn’t vote for you) can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. It just makes you look like what you keep proving you are: out of your league, and foolish. Your misbegotten followers will believe whatever you’ve told them, and the rest of us won’t, no matter what lie you tell, so stop wasting time and money. Our money, I reiterate.

And to the point of our money: stop with the damned wall, already. We – the majority who voted against you – don’t want a ridiculous, internationally-embarrassing “wall” spanning our southern border. It won’t be useful, we can’t afford it, Mexico clearly won’t pay for it except in your wet dreams and those of your more foolish followers, it wouldn’t work in the way you say it will, and it’s a stupid way to address the issue. If you want to be useful, redefine the issue and find a humanitarian working solution, not one that causes more misery to the folks who are the backbone of our service economy and their families, and not one that costs us – the people who didn’t vote for you, and we  who actually pay our fair share of taxes – money that could be better used for something helpful to all, like one-payer health care, supporting the efforts of  Planned Parenthood, fixing our crumbling infrastructure, ending poverty in the US.

Every day you just tickle our hearts with yet another several indefensible and embarrassing actions that will cost us money, international friends, wastes time the country can’t afford to waste, and separates our attention – and yours – from the truly important matters that need to be soberly addressed. 

Cut it out. Set your ego aside. We’re not living in your fantasy world – this isn’t a reality tv show.

A bunch of election cycles ago NH made the mistake of believing another egotistical businessman when he claimed he could run the state like a business and make us strong and prosperous. We foolishly elected him governor, and he was an unmitigated disaster. We dumped him into the trashbin first chance we got, and never looked back. We blush with embarrassment if we ever have to refer back to those two self-indulgent, wasted years.  

Take a lesson. You might do well to invite Jeannie Shaheen, and Maggie Hassan, over for tea and listen carefully and seriously to what they can tell you about becoming effective, beloved servants of the people. You could give John Lynch a call, too. 

Now you’re elected, we expect you to stop the nonsense and do something useful. Stop lying. Stop fabricating. Stop trying to destroy all the things that work, and that help the average person. Hold your tongue and think for a few hours, first. Give up the idea that you know stuff you don’t know. Be honest and ethical. Try, at least, for god’s sake.

We are two Witnesses.

Letters 4

26 January 2017
President Trump-

Wow. Every day we wake up, hopeful that it’ll be a great day, hopeful that the reality of you will have slithered away like a bad dream once the sun’s up…but no. No, instead you’ve done or said something newly inappropriate and/or wasteful, some new horror that will cause the citizens of this country more grief, more money, more international humiliation. You are only 7 days into office, and well on your way to making the USA the least-admired laughingstock amongst all nations. Good job, Bubba.

Let’s see:

  • ·       The freakin’ Pipeline, for god’s sake. Bad for the environment, bad for America, totally disrespectful of the Native Americans whose land it will trash and who have said they don’t want it. Money for the rich, corruption and ruined water and land for the people. Disrespectful. Dangerous. Partisan. Unnecessary.

  • ·         Torture. Oh, this is a good one. Well, Buddy, you’ve got torture – you’re torturing the majority of our citizens, who, we  point out, didn’t vote for you and consequently didn’t give you a mandate to run rampant over national, international and humanitarian laws, not to mention the laws of plain decency, which our country has (almost) always stood up for. Torture is illegal, and we made the mistake of actually proving to ourselves that it doesn’t work two presidents ago. Cut it out. How much did Satan pay you for that black heart of yours, anyway? You won’t be forgiven for repeating a proven error, especially a horrific one.

  • ·         The fact that you lost by millions of votes. Still trying to prove that you’re beloved and someone cheated. You aren’t beloved: you’re the most-hated man ever to enter into the presidential office. We don’t like you. We don’t trust you. You have given us no reason to – now or in the past. Your people cheated – we know for a fact that one of your followers got caught double-dipping. Your people are registered to vote in more than one place. You’re lying about reports that there’s massive voter fraud, the opposite has been proven. YOU LOST THE POPULAR VOTE. IT’S A FACT. STOP WASTING OUR MONEY. No more wasteful investigations. We believe this is a poorly-disguised trick to give you and your toady haters, followers and rascists in government, federal and state, a way to make it harder for people to exercise their right to vote. Bad, bad, bad boy.

  • ·         The wall and trying to get states to collect illegal immigrants. Your desire to imprison them. Repeating your lies about how they’re criminals, rapists, members of ISIS: Waste of money. Probably illegal. Wrong approach and evil. Ignoring how they have worked hard and helped build and maintain our country.  Lies, lies, lies, and no one except your beglamoured cult-worshipers believe it – the rest of us, the ones who didn’t vote for you – that is, the majority of us – don’t believe your lies and find your constant repetition of lies a continual reiteration of your essentially evil nature or stupidity – kind of a toss-up which it is. Whichever, it’s embarrassing that the rest of the world hears it and thinks we believe it and were stupid enough to vote for you. Oh yeah – and you insult the president of Mexico before you finish your first week in office. How vulgar. How unpresidential. How boorish.
  •         Your Cabinet picks, etc: Oh. My. God. Could you possibly have chosen a more ill-suited band of nasty people to fill positions they’re completely unprepared and wrong for? Are you trying to destroy life as we know it? Do you really want to cause damage that will take decades to repair? To what degree of terrible  do you want historians to view your presidency? You set up most the gov’t employees to have to ignore the people you put in charge of these Departments or do something illegal or totally ill-advised on your direction. Are you out of your mind? More reason to abhor you.

All this crap you do and say is scaring people who should have no reason to be scared. People who would never buy a gun are buying them to protect themselves from your followers. They’re taking classes in how to physically protect themselves from your nutcase followers – not an insignificant number of your followers – who have decided your election, your promotion and personal examples of violence and hatred and bullying, have given them a mandate to be mean, and threatening, and perpetrate evil in your name. See the enclosed copy of my blog post, which describes several of these instances that occurred just after the election, and know that these instances have increased in number and intensity since that post was written. You – you yourself – and the things you’ve said, and done, and caused to be done, have caused this. It’s on you, on your soul. 

We hope you can’t live with that, and do something to mitigate the damage you have done and continue to do. You are creating what might be irreparable division in the country, in families, in communities. We shout at each other; we don’t trust each other; we can’t possibly understand and forgive the approval of evil. 

In past presidencies, we may have disliked the candidate who wasn’t ours, and thought that person’s followers to be deluded, and it may have made for difficult family and community conversations, but never before now – never before you – have we believed in actual evil. Never before you have we been afraid for the lives of people we know or love, or for the continuation of our nation. Never before you. 

Living nightmare. The end of days. Civil war. Evil ascendant. 

Wow. Like we said, truly great week’s work. Can’t wait ‘til next week.

That, by the way, was sarcasm.

We are two Witnesses.

26 January 2017
Dear Senators Shaheen and Hassan, Reps Shea-Porter and Kuster,

Enclosed are copies of the last two letters we mailed to our ill-begotten President, and the blog post I enclosed with the last. I begin to wonder whether I’ll be writing nasty letters to him nearly every day for 4 years. Please find reason to impeach him and trash him sooner than later…shouldn’t be hard to find reasonable cause, the way he’s going.

I was thrilled to discover how some of the media is choosing to deal with his lies. On Sunday, The Boston Globe printed an article from The Washington Post in which the Post reported on the speech Trump gave at the CIA, I think it was. After every quote when Trump lied about something, the news report stopped quoting and said, “This is not true. What actually happened…” and stated the actual facts, before continuing on with Trump’s blather.

This was most heartening, and I hope all legitimate news outlets, and the folks in Congress, do the same. Speak truth to the face of lies. Don’t give an inch.

As before, good luck and keep up the good work. 

It’s gray and nasty in NH and has been for days. Could be clouds of horror and disbelief.

Letters 5

29 January 2017
President Trump,

I just looked up “chump” in the dictionary: surprise! Your personal name was part of the definition!

So again, here you are, doing something foolish, potentially illegal, certainly ill-advised, and harmful to many innocents, which is  also – you should have figured this out by now from all the protests – highly unpopular amongst the majority of the US people - who didn’t vote for you and consequently denied you a mandate, and who also – the majority of the US people, that is – don’t like you and don’t trust you.

Your  foolish, foolish executive order blocking people from Muslim-majority  countries – and not all of them, certainly not from any countries where you have business interests – makes us like you and trust you even less, if that were possible.

Being President gives you access to fine legal minds and minds that actually understand national security, as well as to the fine minds of people who can see clearly and predict social and political results of your acts. Has it occurred to you that just maybe you need to make use of that access? That band of moral and mental dwarves who surround you are clearly not up to the challenge, and neither, as you prove daily, are you.

So just in case no one has yet mentioned it to you: those countries aren’t the ones who have sent terrorists into the States. There is already an extraordinarily long and careful vetting process, one that’s so careful that it’s making it impossible for our friends in the countries where we’ve been at war – those whose lives are at desperate risk, because they worked with our military; and making it impossible for people trying to escape horrific home country situations which we are, to an embarrassing extent, responsible for creating (“we” meaning the last Republican president and his cronies, who acted on false information, which = lies in the vernacular – you know all about those, making use of them more freely than actual truth) to gain safe haven here, in the  States, which should be first amongst those nations  offering succor. 

You are again wasting our (we, the people, who actually pay taxes) resources of time and money with this wrongful and evil-minded order. There’s no useful reason for it – it doesn’t fix anything that was wrong. It plays to your toadies; it plays to the fears in the beglamoured minds of the population that drank your Kool-Aid; it probably makes you think – incorrectly – that you’ve done something Presidential; it distracts us, and you, from important stuff that actually needs to be done; and it does nothing to protect us and a lot to cause trouble and pain and fear and ruined lives to people who should not be so affected.

To adapt the pronouncements of Michael Keaton’s character in “Much Ado About Nothing” – a very good description for your presidential acts so far – “You, sir, are an ass. You’re an ass. You are an ass.”

This nasty, evil-mnded directive of yours, besides creating great injustice and moving our country far from greatness and ever closer to our worst eras, when we dabbled our toes in autocracy, fear-mongering, persecution of innocents, and flirtation with fascism (Hey! Guess what? I just looked that up, too, and there your name was again!) –  supports your personal evil promotion of rampant xenophobia  and encourages the more violent-inclined amongst your cult followers to engage in more violent acts: bullying and assaulting and terrorizing all peoples not like them, burning and trashing mosques, making the rest of us wonder how our country has declined into a world where a madman is in charge, and his cult followers believe they’ve been given free rein to perpetrate any horror they can devise and believe it to be just and moral --- oh, wait! I recognize this scenario! You’re the AntiChrist, right?

We, the majority of the people, do not support this action. We demand an immediate stop to this order We desire you to grow up and act like a person of honor, wisdom, and restraint. 

And until you do, we hope that our right-minded, more responsible and creditable allies around the world ban you from their countries until you’ve been vetted. As of now, you won’t pass the test.

We thank God that our neighbors to the north have offered safe haven to the people you have harmed. Yay, Canada!

Boo you! Hiss! Spit! Boo! Bad ‘cess upon you and all who aid you in these horrors.

We are two Witnesses.

29 January 2017
Dear Senators Shaheen and Hassan, Representatives Kuster and Shea-Porter,

Enclosed a copy of the latest letter we sent to D Trump; no, I don’t expect he’ll ever see them, but it makes me feel better to send them. I send copies to you because I expect you’ll either see them or hear about them, and it’s more important to us that you four understand what we feel about the horrible things he’s doing.

To that end, particularly today, please, please, act as rapidly as possible to deny Trump the ability to ruin lives and promote fear-mongering and injustice with this most recent presidential order affecting immigrants, students, professionals, refugees and so on. 

Our Congresswomen and men are our only hope in a nation taken over by a madman and his cult followers; please be strong,  act swiftly, speak loudly, and use every means at your disposal to counteract the evil he’s doing.

We count on you. Good luck.

Letters 6

31 January 2017
Dear not-so-presidential Trump,

So! When not destroying the environment, wasting taxpayer’s money – that is, our money, not yours – shafting go’vt departments by burdening them with new leaders who are determined to destroy them, pissing off our world-wide allies and the countries we have agreements with and rely on for many things,  kissing the butts of the Russians – who have always been our friends! (that’s sarcasm, you twit) - making us into an international laughing-stock, insulting the folks in gov’t who could actually help you understand a few important things that might keep us from self-destruction, destroying the lives of countless green-card holders, visa holders, refugees, and immigrants, selling your soul to the Devil, and who knows what-all other acts of violence and pathological hubris (may it cause your downfall sooner than later – I’d be ducking whenever there’s a lightning storm, if I were you), you come up with the oft-attempted and always-proved-STOOOOPID plan of forcing agencies that are going to add a regulation to eliminate two current regulations.

Oh, what a good idea. Like that hasn’t been thought of or tried before by countless intellectually lazy antagonistic petty power wielders - always with dire consequences. Do you ever actually stop and think about this stuff? Chase a what-if scenario from concept through potential applications and figure out what will actually happen in the various circumstances that could come up? You know, like imagine, hey, if I make them get rid of 2 for 1, not only will it screw them by wasting time (AND OUR MONEY, YOU DIP-WAD) while they look for something to get rid of  that won’t cause damage, and that will slow  them down so  that nothing gets done fast enough to be effective!  Sooner or later, so many regulations will be eliminated that they can’t do any kind of job  - like actually keep poisons out of our food and water, or help disaster victims find shelter, or keep greedy business owners from maiming their employees rather than pay for safe working environments,  for example - and the people who are relying on these departments and agencies to protect them and serve them WILL ALSO GET SCREWED! Including the minority who are the citizens who foolishly voted for you! What a great idea!! So – do you? Actually think, that is? Or do you and your toadies just sit around and smoke a doobie and come up with these crazy ideas, snort beer out your noses because you’re laughing so hard about what a stupid idea it is, and then dare each other to write it up and sign it?

Oh, wait – I forgot: you’re the Beast. You want to screw us all. Especially if you can make some profit doing it.

Where are those tax returns, by the way?

You remember you didn’t win the popular vote, don’t have a mandate, and are well-hated and not trusted by most the country, for good reason, right? It’s true. Real facts, not your lies.

OK. So we’ve established that you’re just an evil intention in a bag of flesh, who has surrounded himself with a motley crew of racists, misogynists, liars, cheats, trolls, power-hungry prostitutes, devil spawn, unclean spirits, black-hearted poisonous fungi, and modern golem. Your entire purpose seems to be to cause as much terror, violence, horror and disruption as possible; to turn families against each other, to end discourse, to destroy the nation and take down with it anything that contains  a spark of joy or goodness. 

I used to believe that people did the best they could. If this is your best, creepy weird guy, it’s not acceptable. It’s not good enough. Resign before you cause more damage. Go home, diddle your stocks, worship your tax returns, play demi-god in your vast, tasteless palaces. Go back to making up lies about real men. Shout trash talk from the sidelines. 

But get out of our faces before you do irreparable damage. It’s permitted to resign – if a pope could do it, you sure as hell can. Believe me, there won’t be crowds trying to talk you out of it. You’ll probably be praised highly for admitting you’re in over your head, and getting out in time. People will admire you again. I’ll stop writing nasty letters. You can go back to doing whatever it is you’re good at: you know, cheating on your taxes, stealing money from the people you hire to do jobs for you, not renting properties to dark-skinned folks, hallucinating imaginary crowds in New Jersey shouting in joy at terrorist attacks, assaulting women, buying new wives, buying stuff from China instead of stuff made in the US, showing up on talk shows to spew toxic brain-farts, making up lies about everyone in government and in media, and making fun of cripples and, well, anyone and everyone. You get stars for those things, Bubba, you do them better than anyone else we’ve seen. 

And you’ve made your point – it’s possible to be a total lying, cheating, know-nothing nasty ugly beast with a black heart and vile and vulgar mouth and win the presidency. There are enough people like you to vote you in. We get it. Now get out. 

If you get out now, you’ll be wondered at and admired and studied and never forgotten. If you persist in screwing us, you’ll never be forgotten, but you’ll go down in history as the worst, most-hated, most incompetent Pretender in history. Your name and legacy will be spat upon. It’ll be hard for anyone to top you on those lists.

I wasn’t at home today to listen to the horrifying news of whatever new crime against humanity and decency you’ve perpetrated today. I don’t need to know.

Resign now.

We are two Witnesses.

31 January 2017
Dear Senators Shaheen and Hassan, Representatives Shea-Porter and Kuster,

Yes, enclosed another copy of my latest nasty missive to Trump.

Please, we beg you – oppose him at all turns. Don’t give him an inch. Don’t compromise, Don’t pick your battles, fight them all. He is destroying us, and he’s only just begun. 

I’m an acupuncturist and teacher – I see lots of different people every week, and the story is always the same: everyone’s stressed, depressed, afraid, not sleeping, angry, horrified, and they can’t talk to their relatives or neighbors or friends. There is no way to have a conversation about any of this with people who voted for this madman, or who are willing to “wait and see.” We can’t afford to wait and see, we’ve already seen enough. He will destroy us as a nation, and he’s doing a pretty good job destroying our personal circles. I shouted at my 84-year-old mother the other day. Before the election, she said oh, she couldn’t vote for Trump, he’s awful, but she couldn’t vote for Hilary. Saturday she said to me, “If he does what he says he’s going to, that will be good!” I replied, so, you think all the evil things he’s done so far are ok?  She said, “He’s no worse than Obama.” 

That’s when I started shouting. We’ve had to agree that she won’t even say the T-name if I’m present, or I’ll start shouting again and I won’t stop. Maybe not for 4 years. I’m going to be wicked hoarse before we’re done.

A patient told me today that she has had to make a similar agreement with her elderly parents. Another, who attended the Montpelier Women’s March with her daughter and college-age grand-daughter has had to break off relations for the duration with her other daughter, because, when the grand-daughter posted on Facebook a photo of herself at the March, her aunt posted a scathing, horrible diatribe about vile nasty women unpatriotically uprising and … they’re all traitors and her niece is trash for supporting this…and so on. Worse than that implies. It started an in-family war.

My  office-mate, a naturalized citizen, has an American-born transgender child in high school who has been hounded by classmates since the day Trump won the election. My office-mate lives in Claremont, and she, herself, has been shouted at and threatened, pretty much daily, she says. She doesn’t go out much anymore, except to go to work and do whatever errands are absolutely necessary.

We can’t survive like this, not as a people, not as a nation, not as communities; and as long as Donald Trump and his cohorts are in positions of power, we’re doomed. His words and actions, and what people choose to believe are implied by them and legitimized by his position of power, are unraveling the fabric of our lives. 

We’re afraid. We’re afraid of strangers in the streets, we’re afraid of what more damage will be done, we’re afraid that we – as families, as communities, as states, as a nation – will not recover from this. 

We’re even afraid that we’ll wake up some morning to discover we’re being bombed by some touchy country which he’s chosen to provoke during the night. We’re afraid about what he – and let’s admit it, the treacherous Republicans in Congress – are sneakily getting done while we’re being distracted by his big, over-blown horror show. 

We’re afraid. And all these stressors – living in fear, the anger and frustration and stress of breaking bonds with people we used to trust, and who we may love; the hyper-alertness that such situations turn on in our bodies; the exhaustion of continual horror and anger – all these things will affect the health of bodies and minds. We’ll be seeing a rash of illnesses set off by all this for years to come.

I don’t know what should be done to heal the underlying national illness that led us here, but I’m certain it’s going to get worse the longer Trump’s in power. He needs to be strongly and continuously countered, checked, foiled, until someone finds a reason to remove him – and then he needs to be removed rapidly and decisively.

Impeach and convict the bastard. Please. And in the meantime, oppose his nominations, his orders, his  band of toadies, his everything ---vigorously. Continuously.

It’s impossible to point to one area, to one thing he’s done, and say, “This, this thing, oppose this thing.” It’s everything. All of it. 

He’s a madman. This is not normal. We’re in big trouble. 


On the blog and in the mail. We are Witnesses.

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