Why, in this season when we try to engender peace on earth, and feel good will towards all men, as a new year is about to begin, and horrible things are happening around the world, would you purposely bait me with your abhorrent politics?
You did it on purpose. You knew the reaction it would cause.
Congratulations, you ruined my day. I’m furious, and I’m spending too many hours wondering why I bother even acknowledging you.
The one of you who delivered the poison in your “annual holiday letter” -which you delivered atop the Christmas gifts you dropped off at my house – was an especially aggressive touch that blows my mind. OK, so it wasn’t directed specifically at me but at everyone you sent that missive to. I’m sure you feel it was a fine thing for you to do in the spirit of honest recording of your best moments this year. But you know what? I’m guessing if I were to respond honestly in kind, you wouldn’t be generous in your attitude about my thoughts and feelings. And you know how I feel about your politics, so why, why, why would you poison the gift-giving gesture by including that letter?
I know you have other relationships who feel as strongly as I do. In fact, you begin your letter advising us that you’ve blocked a number of friends on Facebook because you know you stand on opposite sides of the political divide, and you want to be able to stay friends even so. So why would you use this time of year to get in our faces? And why would you include a sentence that says “…for those who care to judge me…” – I was trying not to, until I read that challenge.
But since you sent an open invitation, here goes: Yes, I do judge you. Anyone who actively and proudly and loudly and publically supports a rapist, racist, lying, thieving, lazy, narcissistic, bullying, would-be fascist, insurrrectionist, misogynist, massive threat to our democracy who has made us a laughingstock internationally, who cozies up to dictators, who endangers the stability of the world, who is the author of the kinds of threats and hate speech and meanness that poisons our country, who divided us as a nation and amongst families and friends, in all likelihood beyond repair, who is evil and mean and nasty and proud of it and encourages his followers to threaten and carry out death threats and bodily harm on people who don’t agree with him – how can you not, after claiming that that person “resonates” with you – your words – not expect to be judged, by moral human beings, to be of the same lost and evil and horrifying type? What do you expect?
And how, after you’ve handed me this thing about you that I now can’t pretend I don’t know, do you expect me to be grateful for whatever else you’re handing me this holiday season, no matter how lovely it might otherwise be? And what, exactly, do you expect me to feel about the time I spent on the things I’ve wrapped, after careful consideration and hopes that you’ll enjoy them, that I’ve given to you?
It’s not just me; I know you’ve given this poisonous sheet to others who try to like you in spite of what we know about you, and who now, at your invitation, can’t help but judge you?
Why, why, why would you poison our experience like that?
In case you’re totally oblivious to your intentions and how we react to them – you just proved we judged you correctly. So keep it on Facebook – I don’t have to read it if it’s there.
The other one of you who has injected mean thoughts into my holiday attempt at peace did essentially the same thing, except it was a more personal attack. After the Covid years of your silence, when I told you we can’t talk about it since you were spouting nonsense at me about it, you sent a personal letter in your Christmas card to me. Until I read it, I was pleased to think maybe we still could connect, as we had in the past. In the letter, you told me about some fun things you did this year. But you headed the letter with a nasty comment about our current President, and a snarky comment about some inane conspiracy theory you say “the lefties” – you know I’m one – are supposedly plotting.
I’d like to write back to you to say how interesting your travels sounded. But what do I do about that first paragraph of yours? Do I ignore it? How? It was clearly put in there to get a reaction from me, and you knew when you did it that the reaction would be a bad one. So – if the letter was somehow meant as a gesture of friendship – you destroyed it. It became a gesture of meanness.
Why? Why did you think that was an OK thing to do? Oh, wait, I know the answer: because you are also a supporter of the Evil Far Right, and The Orange Ugliness has made it an act of courage, in your minds – in fact, he’s made it a blessed activity – to be abusive and nastily challenging to those of us who see him for what he is.
I thought you were better than that; we used to avoid politics or any discussion of them, because we knew we stood on opposite sides; and we had fun together. We were friends. We had other things in common. But now, I judge you to be the same as the other person, the one who delivered the poison Christmas letter. And I don’t want to be friends with someone who supports the horror show devil. I’m not sure you can give me a good reason why I shouldn’t care that you’re in accord with the Nightmare in Mar a Lago. When my father, now deceased, used to send me similar toxic political stuff because he enjoyed cranking me up, I called him an asshole. Want to guess what I’m calling you now?
By the way – I asked all the other lefties I know what conspiracy theory you were referring to – and not a one of them has a clue. So once again, a science fantasy invention from the Far, Insane Right; I kind of wish I could ask you what planet you’re on when you hear and believe this stuff, because it isn’t the same one I inhabit.
A friend just suggested that the best response might be that I write my own end-of-year holiday letter, and send it to a few carefully selected individuals.
Let’s call this a good start.
For the blog: herondragonwrites.blogspot.com
December 26, 2023