Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Not Going To Make Nice

Old bottle in window; Charley Freiberg photo


OK, enough of this bull-caca. If I hear another Republican, person, politician or pretend journalist say “this is not the time to convict/prosecute/blahblah Trump and his cronies, which will further divide the country….” I will puke. I hope directly onto the head of some idiot who’s thinking that way.

Impeaching and convicting Trump, prosecuting him and his cronies or in other ways forcing them to face consequences for the damage they’ve done to our country over the past 4 years, won’t “further divide the country.” The country’s already divided – on one side of the divide there are those of us who recognize truth, and on the other side there are those of youse who pretend that blatant, repeated lies and corruption and evil-doing  are not lies and corruption and evil-doing, and are trying to convince us that if we prosecute those who have perpetrated the lies and corruption and worse, it’s gonna piss off youse who pretend it’s not there . Those people, and I use the word advisedly, are already pissed, so they’re just going to get angrier – but let’s face it, they’re going to get angrier no matter what’s done or not done because they feed on anger and their own twisted version of offended righteousness. They enjoy it.

But there are a whole lot more of us who have been pissed off for 4 years, and continue to be pissed off, and are now more pissed off than ever, and if the evil-doers – and I don’t say that lightly, these are people who have done and continue to do evil as often as they can find a place to wedge it in – aren’t brought to actual justice, aren’t made to face consequences, aren’t thrown out on their ears and out of the political realm forever --- we are going to be even more pissed off.  So just because we truth-seers don’t smash windows and threaten to hang politicians and shoot people – just because we act like human beings instead of ignorant, violent, evil mobs – just because we don’t, doesn’t make our anger less important, nor less important to address, than the lie-tellers’. Why don’t they think they shouldn’t do the right thing, for a change, and work to end the division in the country?

Whatever is done or not done, someone’s gonna be pissed off – let it be them.

I’m waiting for some politician to say that obvious reality out loud.  Sometimes, human beings, our internal consciences telling us to make nice and make concessions and make bridges doesn’t serve us or the greater good. If you really need a Christian reference, go the heck into the Temple and smash up some money-grubbers’ tables, for heaven’s sake. Insist on sending the boogers to prison and let them stew in their own petard for a long time.

I’m done. I don’t want to find common ground. As far as I can see, there isn’t any. Let them show us some common ground if they want to kiss and make up. I’m not digging about in their privy pit any longer. I am not who youse are; most of us are not who youse are. But what you’ve demonstrated over the past 4 years is what youse are, and I want nothing to do with it.

Break the country in two if you can’t climb out of your cesspits of no ethics, immaturity, and vicious emotions. Break it in two, go somewhere else, live in a racist, nasty, self-serving, suspicious, dark hole with yourselves. Good riddance. Have fun walking about fully armed and frightening each other.  Test yourselves as a matter of law for ethnic impurities. Rip babies out of their parents’ arms and stick them in jails. Remove the civil rights you used to enjoy from everyone but your dictator and his family and cronies. Go back to the dark ages.  We’ll be over here in the sun, nurturing the wounded, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, housing the homeless, doing all those Christ-like things you hate. Don’t bother to write, we won’t answer.

A pox on youse.

I don’t want to hear a word from any of youse, unless it starts with “I’m really really sorry I ever voted for that bag of worthless meat…”


I let that stew for a bit to see if I still felt the same way a week or so later. I do. I’m still pissed, and it doesn’t look like I’m going to get over it any time soon.

On other fronts, the new boy cat has discovered he likes being carried out onto the wart so he can walk along the railing where I feed the birds, and rub his face all over them (the railings, not the birds). He wants mommy or daddy right there with him, and startles easily; but some days it means repeated trips out to sniff the air and scratch the rails and flick his tail at the all-too- bold squirrels.  Biscuit is not amused; she considers the outdoors her private territory and is annoyed when he tries o share part of it.

He has also discovered his butt fits very nicely in one of the pots in the chapel from which an amaryllis is trying to emerge.  I wonder who’ll win that battle?

Rasta looking guilty...Deb Marshall photo
We have RAVENS. Ravens are what has been stealing the suet cakes.  The suet cakes were disappearing  every day and I couldn’t figure out what was doing it – no fox or other footprints in the snow, and a squirrel or bluejay isn’t big enough to haul off an entire suet cake!

One day when I was putting out seed, I heard a thlup thlup thlup sound, like a helicopter from a distance. I looked up into the sky to see if I could locate it, and instead – a raven flew by, just feet away from me. It turned and made another pass, snagging the entire suet cake in its claws, then flew to the pine tree across the driveway and LAUGHED at me!

Ravens are huge, with at least 6-foot wingspans, as large as a red-tail hawk, as large as a small eagle. The other birds clear out when the ravens come for their snatch. I’ve been breaking the suet cakes into quarters and putting out only 2 per day; this way I get two chances to see them – and some days I do – and I don’t need to buy as much raven lure, because even at the evil store, a whole cake of raven lure per day would be kind of expensive after awhile.

I love seeing the ravens!  The Historian, hearing about them, told me a good story about how, when he was younger, he climbed Eagle’s Nest to get a close-up look at a raven’s nest – and was duly attacked and driven off! He came down from there quickly and decided it was a better idea to admire from a distance after that.

It’s almost the end of January. Wear your masks; wash your hands; don’t forget to put on handcream so your hands don’t get cracked and sore.

Actually, he kinda always looks guilty! Deb Marshall photo

I’ve put one of the handouts about the vaccine I made for my patients on the blog. There’s a great article in the New Yorker Magazine – it was the whole issue, in fact, in their January 4&11, 2021 magazine, about the virus, the vaccines, how and when they were developed, who did what and who didn’t do what they should have – well worth reading if you can access it.

Stay safe!

For the blog: herondragonwrites.blogspot.com

26 January 2021


Vaccine Info



(Jan 2021; herondragon acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine)

Here’s what I know about the vaccines and what you should expect afterwards:

·        The technology used to make the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines isn’t a new one, it’s been around for more than 15 years. It was originally developed to try to make an HIV vaccine – for many reasons that wasn’t possible, but it’s been used since for other things, and that’s why these vaccines could be developed so quickly.

·        You are not protected from catching the virus with either vaccine after the first shot. What’s expected is that if you do catch it, your immune system will have been goosed enough that you may not get a severe case of the virus. You must must must keep wearing your masks, washing your hands, maintaining social distance.

·        After you receive the 2nd dose, you’re still not protected. With the Pfizer vaccine, it takes about a week before you reach top immunity; with the Moderna vaccine, it takes 2 weeks. Even then you aren’t completely protected – they’re only about 95% effective, which means you can still catch the virus if you’re unlucky.

·        No one knows at this time if the vaccines are as effective against the mutations of the virus – scientists believe so, but this won’t be known for some time, and the virus is continually mutating, so to some extent it’s all an experiment.

·        Even after the 2nd shot, you can still be an asymptomatic carrier of the virus and pass it on to other people. So you must must must continue to wear your masks, wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, and maintain social distance. NO ONE will be allowed into Suite 230 maskless, even if you’ve received both shots of vaccine and two weeks have passed, until the CDC and the VT Department of Health say it’s ok to do so. Man up, it’s going to be months before they say so; we can handle this.

·        At home, after receiving both doses of your vaccine, it should be safe to spend maskless time with other family members and close  friends who have also received both doses of vaccine, keeping in mind that there’s still a risk, and so long as everyone is being careful out in the greater world.

·        No one yet knows how long the vaccine is effective for, so stay alert for updates about this and whether it proves effective against new variations of the virus.

·        Keep wearing your masks! Don’t freak everyone else out!

·        Should you take the vaccine? I think so. The long-term damage some people are experiencing from having even mild cases of the virus are horrible. Consider carefully whether you want to risk it; take the vaccine.